A little update…

Dear Reader,

I am aware that that some of you are waiting for an update on my stories, especially the Annabelle series. I read your comments and your emails, and trust me, I hear you! I also know that some were excited about my addition to the Christmas exchange, and I am really sorry that I did not post anything. I was almost finished. I have also not read and commented all of your stories that you gifted. I don’t know if anyone noticed that, but I’m sorry for that too. I like to show appreciation for people who participate in the exchange. I feel bad, peeps. I really do. But I have my reasons, and I don’t really want to go into serious detail about this, but I’ll try to explain.

Part of what distracted me before Christmas was that my father was ill, and because of that I tried to work from home. I wanted to help him with stuff he normally does around the house when my mother is at work, and I walked the dog for him as he couldn’t walk much. I also didn’t want him to be alone in case something happened. I was really worried, and I had difficulties focusing. He had some blood work done, and one of the values was a bit off. He needed a CT scan. I don’t really want to go into detail around that, but let’s just say that I was mentally preparing to hear that my father was dying, and I was not ready for that. He just retired. Luckily, it wasn’t as bad as we thought, and he is now on the mend. He is much better now. I just wanted to explain what happened to make me miss my Christmas deadline.

I still had plans to post my story, though. I thought I might make it by new year. I know I said I was almost finished, and that was totally true! It is almost finished. However, my number one reason that I am not as visible now is that I am working towards a very important deadline. I have a lot going on right now, and I have many smaller deadlines until the big one. This means that I will be pretty busy until the summer. This does not mean that you won’t see any updates, but I cannot give any guarantees. I don’t want to promise you anything.  I will try to post the third part of my Leda and Eylion series that I promised for Christmas soon, but it will definitely not be next week.

I have been under a lot of stress lately and so my stories have not been much on my mind. Please don’t think that I have given up on them, because I haven’t. I am just in a place right now where there are other, more important, things that need my attention. So please be patient with me.


26 thoughts on “A little update…

  1. Alyx February 2, 2020 / 06:58

    Dearest Ashling, as much as we love your stories and your participation in the Christmas exchange, what’s more important is YOU and your welfare. I’m really sorry to hear you’ve been going to through such a difficult time, and I’m sending lots of warm thoughts and healing energy for your father. It’s scary when one we love has health issues….sometimes even more scary than when we ourselves are unwell.

    I’m glad he’s better, and please know that I support whatever projects you need to take care of. In fact, as much as I enjoy your stories, I’m GLAD to hear you’re doing things you need to do! Too many times I worry that you used your writing to procrastinate doing other things you should be doing. No judgment there, because we all do it. I’m just happy to know you’re working on things that are important to you. The writing can wait, and we’ll always be here cheering you on, so don’t worry, okay? *hugs*

    • Ash February 2, 2020 / 07:05

      Thank you, Alyx. 🙂 *hugs* It was really scary, thinking he might be dying. I was not sure how to handle it, and I know both my father and mother were really frustrated, but they were not able to really talk about it. None of us were. We’re a fucked up family that way. My mother eventually cracked and told me how worried she was, but it was right after she parked the car outside the library and hurried inside. I think she just needed to say it out loud to someone with an available escape route.

      You know me too well, A. 😉 Yeah, I do procrastinate a lot. Still do. But this is really, really, important. I cannot mess this up, and so I know I must work really hard. Thanks for supporting me. ❤

  2. Wookie February 2, 2020 / 10:12

    Hey Ash,
    Wow, you are going ‘through the wringer’ right now. I was so sorry to hear about your father, that must have been really tough for you. I am so pleased for both him and you that things are getting better there.
    Yes I’m one of the multitude who loves your stories however I agree totally with Alyx, the writing can sit on the back burner whilst you deal with everything else life is choosing to throw at you. I’m sending you a big hug for support and loads of good wishes that things even out soon. Besides the arrival of your stories all in the fullness of time will be all the sweeter knowing you will be in a much calmer, peaceful place!
    Take great care my friend. 😊

    • Ash February 2, 2020 / 18:37

      Thank you for the support, Wookie. 🙂 *hugs* I really do love sharing my stories with you, it is just that I’ve had so much going on. I am really looking forward to the summer when I can focus more on my writing.

  3. Ellie February 2, 2020 / 12:24

    Hey Ash! Giving you a giant hug. I’m sorry you went through all that, because it sucks. I’m also glad that part of it went better than expected, though I know it doesn’t change the amount of worry and pain you went through while living it.

    There is no reason for you to apologize or worry. We understand that real life is a tough burden that gets in the middle of intentions and likes to screw up our plans. Whenever you’ll have time and peace of mind to post more of your work, we’ll be just as happy to read it, but most of all we’ll be happy you had the time to relax and focus a little on what you like. Wishing you the best of luck for your goals and whatever you’re doing that is so very important to you! I’ll cross my fingers for you, Ashling 😊

    Please, do not feel bad for missing deadlines. We feel you!

    • Ash February 2, 2020 / 18:39

      Thanks, Ellie. *hug* I think I really needed to explain myself and tell you guys how I was feeling. I’m not one to share my worries, and so it’s good to get it off my chest. I am really thankful for the support. ❤

  4. bahamagirl1996 February 2, 2020 / 13:25

    We love you Ash. Take as long as you need. We will be here. I will pray for you and your family. Take care of yourself.


    • Ash February 2, 2020 / 18:40

      Thanks, BG. 🙂 I really appreciate the support.

  5. gingerwolf19 February 3, 2020 / 20:41

    I’m sorry to hear you’ve been under so much stress and uncertainty with your dad. Please take care of yourself! I think I can safely say everyone here cares about you and your wellbeing over a new post at the sacrifice of yourself. I know I dont post or comment much, but I read and watch and you are all a sweet little family here. Your very blog is what brought me too seeing the others and I love your writing very much but you take care of you first. It’s ok to take time to recover and revitalize yourself.
    Best wishes to you and your family Ash,

    • Ash February 3, 2020 / 21:43

      Thank you, Gingerwolf. That is very sweet. 🙂 I’m glad my blog helped you find others.

  6. Amanda February 3, 2020 / 23:44

    Hi Ash! I’m so sorry to hear about everything you went through with your dad. Sending you a big hug and glad to hear he’s doing better. Like everyone else, although we certainly appreciate updates to your stories, what we care about most is that you’re putting yourself first and taking care of YOU. The rest can wait. And whenever the time is right, we’ll still be here for you. Wishing you the best of luck for everything you’re working on this year for your big deadline! YOU CAN DO IT! I also just want to say thank you for being so honest and caring towards us. You’re awesome 😎

    • Ash February 3, 2020 / 23:46

      Thank you, Amanda. I’m lucky to have such supportive people like you guys.

  7. Denis February 4, 2020 / 01:34

    Just take your time family is so important we can wait

    • Ash February 4, 2020 / 01:35

      Thanks, Denis. 🙂

  8. Astral February 5, 2020 / 05:16

    I’m so sorry to hear about everything you’ve been going through. I hope your father has a fast and smooth path to recovery, and things are smoother sailing from now on.

    Please make sure to take care of yourself. Your stories always brighten my day, but like others have said, don’t worry about posting until you’re up to it. 🙂

    Also, best of luck with whatever it is that important deadline is for! You can do it!


    • Ash February 6, 2020 / 04:34

      Thank you, Astral. 🙂

  9. Danz February 6, 2020 / 04:33

    Thanks for the update! You are prioritizing well and that’s what you need to do. Your stories are worth waiting for so no worries!!! Your readers will he here! Glad that your Dad is on the mend too!

    • Ash February 6, 2020 / 04:36

      Thanks, Danz. I can’t wait to have more time so I can prioritise writing again. 🙂 I’m really lucky to have such awesome and understanding readers.

  10. Peachie February 7, 2020 / 01:29

    Hey Ash,
    Sorry I haven’t checked my “kinky” email for a while, until now. I’m relieved to hear that things turned out ok with your dad. Must’ve been scary! Please take care of yourself and best of luck with your RL stuff. Don’t worry about the Xmas story, we are a patient bunch. 😉

    • Ash February 7, 2020 / 01:31

      Thank you, Peachie. 🙂 It was scary, but things are much better now. I’m looking forward to my RL stuff is over. 😛

  11. Robin February 10, 2020 / 22:45

    Dear Ash, I’m so sorry about your dad being so seriously ill. It must have been terribly tough. Im so glad he is better! I send you a big hug my friend, sorry I saw this so late!
    I love your stories very much but so agree with the others – you take care of yourself, your family and all thats most important at the moment. No need to apologize at all! Me too will love to read your story when time is right and you have possibility to write again, but ofcourse dont mind waiting at all! 🙂. I wish you the best of luck with your deadlines and may your father soon be well! ❤

    • Ash February 11, 2020 / 00:21

      Thanks for the support, Robin. 🙂 He is doing a lot better now, and so am I. The respons from everyone has been very touching.

  12. patti February 14, 2020 / 07:42

    Hi Ash, I’m glad to hear you and your father are both doing better. We never think of our parents as being vulnerable until something like this happens and then it has a way of changing our perspective. Please know that your stories are wonderful and I enjoy them very much but you and your family always come first. I wish you all good health and much happiness. Patti

    • Ash February 14, 2020 / 07:59

      Thank you, Patti. 🙂

  13. Rifel March 28, 2020 / 16:17

    Hi Ash!
    I’m sorry to read you’ve been going through such a difficult situation. I hope everything is going better now (except for the pandemic and the semi-apocalyptic situation we’re all experiencing, obviously…).

    Take care of your stuff, we will wait for you to come back with new incredible stories!

    • Ash March 28, 2020 / 19:57

      Thank you, Rifel. Things are extra crazy now! 🤭

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